Protect Your Peace

Hello beautiful people and welcome to my blog! So today I want to talk about something that has been on my mind for a while now,I've finally gathered my thoughts to put together in a post. As the title says "Protect Your Peace", life is constantly throwing things at us to disturb the peace we... Continue Reading →

Dear 2020

Hello beautiful people, welcome to my blog and Happy New Year. By the time you read this it may already be 2021, this more than anything is a reflection in a form of a letter. Dear 2020, A year we will never forget. The pain, the tears,the surprises and overall confusion. Although you shocked us... Continue Reading →

In Everything Give Thanks

Hello beautiful people and welcome to my blog.  For those that celebrate Thanksgiving, Happy thanksgiving to you. It's fair to say that this year has been a rollercoaster for the most part but in the spirit of thanksgiving and simply reflecting back. Despite everything that has happened, I have so much to be thankful for... Continue Reading →

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