How To Be More Confident

Hello beautiful people and welcome to my blog. Hope everyone is doing well.

Today I will be talking about a few ways in which you could boost your confidence. Remember that confidence comes from within and although external factors can add to it, it’s up to you to work on increasing your confidence.

  1. Change the way you talk to yourself : change your negatives to positives, be your biggest hype men, stop believing you are incapable of doing things. Start speaking positive affirmations over yourself and your mindset will adjust to hearing positive things spoken onto you.
  2. Stop Comparing yourself to other people : in the world of seeing everyone living their best lives on social media, stop comparing your journey to someone else’s. You have a written story for yourself and your breakthrough will come, cut down your time on social media if that is causing you to feel some kind of way about your own life or character. Your journey is yours for a reason, so embrace it and live it to the fullest.
  3. Know your boundaries and stand by them : Knowing when to say no without feeling guilty. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, be open to other perspectives but also stand by the things you truly believe
  4. Change your habits : a little change goes a long way. Don’t be afraid of change. Allow yourself to experience it with open arms. Whether it’s in your personal life, fitness, environment or social life. Change from the things that makes you feel bad to things that make you feel good.
  5. Take care of yourself : Your body, mind and soul deserves it. Intentionally put time aside for the your wellbeing. whether it’s a bubble bath, a treat, a prayer. Take care of yourself.
  6. Stop setting unrealistic expectations : I am not saying stop dreaming big, dream big considering your actual abilities. Challenge yourself without putting yourself up for failure but setting goals over your abilities.
  7. Be bold and try new things : Face your fears, try something new. This will show what you are capable of and that your fears aren’t as big as they seem.
  8. Get used to being in front of the camera: spending more time infront of the camera has definitely boosted my confidence, so take pictures, and practice being infront of the camera.
  9. Love yourself wholeheartedly: Love yourself wholeheartedly, the good, the bag, the ugly and everything.
  10. Be your authentic self : nobody else can do you better than you. Be your authentic self, embrace who you are! flaws and all.

So there you have it guys, 10 simple tips to boost your confidence. I am loving the journey and hope that you guys are as well.

Remeber you are enough! You are capable and you are beautiful.

I have a video up on my channel on the same topic.. Be sure to check it out by clicking the link below HOW TO BE MORE CONFIDENT


10 thoughts on “How To Be More Confident

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  1. Great tips! Being in front of the camera more has helped me with my confidence too. I recently started doing Instagram more professionally and it’s been super helpful (as long as I don’t compare myself to others on there of course!)

    Liked by 1 person

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