Hey! Mini life update & lockdowns been lifted

Hello beautiful people and welcome to my blog. Wow this is definitely the longest blogging break I’ve ever taken. I hope you are all doing well, enjoying the weather brightening up a little bit, being out of lockdown as well. It’s been nice reconnecting with friends and socialising. Although I complained about the cold wind,... Continue Reading →

Just Go For It

Hello beautiful people and welcome to my blog.. Hope you're having a wonderful week so far. Today I want to share some encouragement towards myself as well as anyone who's currently doubting themselves. If there's one thing I am learning during this season is to stop doubting myself, stop questioning my ideas, abilities and honestly... Continue Reading →

#Blogmas9 : 5 Fun Christmas Activities

Hello beautiful people and welcome to #Blogmasday9 we're doing this y'allThe holidays season is a time where families and friends gather and have time together. So I thought to share some fun activities that everyone could enjoy.1. Ice skatingIce skating is fun even though I fell on my first attempt, I had a great time.... Continue Reading →

#Blogmas3 : It’s okay to not be okay

Hello beautiful people and welcome to my blog. It's #blogmas day 3 and we're still going. So today's blog is going to be abit of encouragement for anyone going through a tough time. Sadly this season may not be a jolly one for everyone which is sad but an unfortunate reality. Today has been one... Continue Reading →

Sweet Saturday: What’s For Brunch ?

Hello beautiful people and welcome to my blog...Happy Saturday, I hope that you have some fun and relaxing plan for the day Some dear friends of mine have a tradition of having pancakes on Saturdays at their house which has turned into staying for lunch, dinner, games and other times staying the weekend.. what I... Continue Reading →


Hello beautiful people, welcome back to my blog. Happy Thursday to you all, on today's blog I will be sharing some of my favourite fall essentials. Although I absolutely love summer, I've fallen in-love with the beauty of fall, something about the pretty orange colours and green leaves colours, the rain (I occasionally like rain),... Continue Reading →

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